'The Trouble with Dogs...' Said Dad
Bob Graham
Candlewick, 2010 (2007)
Hardcover, Softcover
Reviewed by Bob Walch
his humorous sequel to
"Let's Get a Pup!" Said Kate
, reaffirms the message that when it comes to dogs and their humans, affection and trust, loyalty and love are what really matter.
nyone who has ever had an exuberant but untrained puppy can relate to and appreciate this picture book. As Dad indicates at the story's outset, '
The trouble with dogs is that they take over your life.
' And, as you get farther into the book you'll see exactly how the family's new pup, Dave, has done just that.
inally, everyone realizes that Dave needs to be reined in. '
We need help!
' declares Dad, so he calls
Pup Breakers
, whose motto is, '
We tame troublesome beasts!
nfortunately, the man from Pup Breakers is a little too harsh and poor Dave loses all his exuberance, sparkle, crackle and fizz. In fact, the family isn't happy at all with the new Dave so ... What do you think they do? Well, you'll have to read the book to find out, but I think you'll agree with their decision.
hildren three years of age and their families will love this story about a little, four legged, high-energy, destructive dynamo that is definitely out of control. By the time you reach the final page you'll see everyone learns a lesson or two about proper behavior and personal control.
Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.
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