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Penny Loves Pink    by Cori Doerffeld order for
Penny Loves Pink
by Cori Doerffeld
Order:  USA  Can
Little, Brown & Co., 2011 (2011)
* *   Reviewed by Hilary Daninhirsch

Move over, Pinkalicious! There's another little girl in town who can't get enough of the color pink.

Penny's whole world is pink, and she takes the reader along with her as she shows us her favorite pink things: ice cream, sunglasses, flowers, her potty, and even a pink monster who bears a passing resemblance to a Where the Wild Things Are character.

What happens when she has a baby brother? Suddenly, a new color is introduced into her life: the color blue. That can't be right - the world is supposed to be pink, not blue! But, once Penny holds her new baby brother, with his smiling face and pink cheeks, she realizes that she loves him even more than the color pink.

Filled with bright pink and blue hues, this book is appropriate for very young children, especially for those who may be experiencing a change in their lives.

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