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One Pup's Up    by Marsha Wilson Chall & Henry Cole order for
One Pup's Up
by Marsha Wilson Chall
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Margaret K. McElderry, 2010 (2010)

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* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Marsha Wilson Chall's One Pup's Up is a clever counting book (1 to 10 and then 10 back down to 1) adorably illustrated by Henry Cole.

This cute story takes young readers into the daily life of a puppy, from waking up and wandering off ('1 pup's up') to playing with peers ('2 puppies tumble. / 3 puppies roll / in a fuzzy puppy jumble.')

More and more pups drink, huddle, piddle, pounce, chase, bounce, tussle, sniff, dine, and nudge one another. Then the countdown begins as less and less pups nibble, beg, yawn, hiccup, wash, nuzzle, rest, curl up together, and finally sleep, until '1 pup's up ...' all over again.

Though the story is simple, One Pup's Up is one of the better counting books around, and the curious pups meandering through its pages will appeal to dog lovers of all ages.

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