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Goop Soup: Nathan Abercrombie, Accidental Zombie #3    by David Lubar order for
Goop Soup
by David Lubar
Order:  USA  Can
Starscape, 2010 (2010)
Hardcover, e-Book

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* *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

In Goop Soup, Nathan Abercrombie, Accidental Zombie returns in the third (following My Rotten Life and Dead Guy Spy) in David Lubar's hilarious horror series.

When Nathan's friend Abigail (a secret genius) offered her neurobiologist Uncle Zardo's Hurt-Be-Gone emotion killer to help Nathan deal with rejection, the experiment turned him into a zombie in the first episode. Then, in the second, Nathan was recruited by a man from BUM (Bureau of Useful Misadventures) to help the free world as a zombie spy.

As Goop Soup opens, poor Nathan muses 'I used to think life was hard. Now I know better. Life is simple. Death is tricky.' Nathan receives a pigeon poop message, preparing him for an urgent BUM mission, to infiltrate a staging base for RABID (Raise Anarchy by Inciting Disorder). Pre-mission training includes stealth practice, codes, and lock picking - the novice spy succeeds at none of them.

While Nathan prepares, vile-smelling goop starts to appear all over town, a BUM agent is kidnapped, and it's a race against time to rescue him - all Nathan has to do is play dead. But that's the easy part of his mission. Next he must explode a giant slime monster ... from the inside! As always, this episode is gruesomely good.

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