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Boom Bah!    by Phil Cummings & Nina Rycroft order for
Boom Bah!
by Phil Cummings
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Kane Miller, 2010 (2010)
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

This picture book emits a cacophony of sound. It begins with a 'Ting!' as a little mouse, sitting in the kitchen, strikes a spoon against a cup.

'Shhh! Listen! What's that sound?'

'Tong!' Now the cat joins in, taking a bigger spoon and hitting an empty container lid.

In the twitch of a whisker, a pig, chicken and goat join the impromptu jam session. As they move outdoors, other critters hear the sound and begin nodding their heads and tapping their toes.

As you turn the pages, the group gets larger and larger. Midway into the book you'll suddenly discover the impromptu duo has morphed into a full animal marching band with uniforms and a whole range of instruments. They are playing so loudly that everyone in the barnyard can hear them.

The text is pretty much limited to 'Bing! Bongs', 'Clickety-Clicks!', 'Boom Bahs!' and other similar sounds, but that makes this book even more fun. Your child can join in with a 'Hey- ho! Tra-la-la! Ring! Ding! Clickety-click!' as he or she participates in the animals' band.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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