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Too Much Kissing!: And Other Silly Dilly Songs About Parents    by Alan Katz & David Catrow order for
Too Much Kissing!
by Alan Katz
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Margaret K. McElderry, 2009 (2009)
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Another in the Silly Dilly Song collection of picture books, this latest volume of giggle provoking adaptations of familiar melodies looks at the things parents do from a kid's perspective.

Setting new lyrics to fourteen favorite tunes, Alan Katz focuses on topics as diverse as the disgusting foods that mom and dad eat (Disgusting Things) and the problem of way-too-short bedtime storytelling (My Mother Just Rushes Through Bedtime) to a plea for a pet (Petting Is Getting Upsetting).

Even if you don't sing these songs, they're fun to just recite out loud. And, no matter which way you do it, you'll find the grin on your child's face irresistible as he or she reacts and perhaps even joins in reciting or singing these silly, dilly songs.

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