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Technology: Navigators    by Peter Kent order for
by Peter Kent
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Macmillan, 2009 (2009)
* * *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Combining a visual impact with solid information, the Navigators series of books for youngsters nine years of age and older delve into such interesting subjects as planet Earth, knights and castles, the human body, ancient Rome and stars and planets.

In this latest book, Peter Kent takes the young reader inside the minds of scientists, engineers and programmers to unravel the workings of the modern world. In twenty double page spreads, the worlds of mega-tunnel digging, superbridge construction, TGV rail power plants, wave farming, and GPS systems are investigated. Other areas of interest include robot rescue, nanobots, movie special effects, high tech amusement park rides, and the creation of graphic games.

Although there's not an excess of information on any of these subjects, there's enough material to whet the youngster's intellectual curiosity. Each spread also features web links that will allow the reader to further explore the subject.

Attractively designed, this book offers the perfect starting point for a more in depth investigation into the fascinating world of modern day high tech science.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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