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Fang of the Vampire: Scream Street    by Tommy Donbavand order for
Fang of the Vampire
by Tommy Donbavand
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Candlewick, 2009 (2009)
* *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

This first of the spooky new Scream Street chapter book series by Tommy Donbavand (aimed at ages 8-10 and including free collectors' cards) introduces Luke Watson as he's cornered in a graveyard by a terrifying werewolf and saved (after a few scratches) by a chihuahua named Fluffy. But it's too late - Luke begins to howl at the moon himself.

Life returns to normal until G.H.O.U.L. Movers show up and transfer Luke's family, lock stock and barrel, to No. 13 Scream Street. Their new neighbors are a family of vampires (Alston, Bella and their wannabe son Resus Negative). There Luke endures a poltergeist attack, helps a hippie zombie locate his leg, and saves Cleo (a reckless young mummy) from a fire. He begins to feel at home, but worries about his normal parents' vulnerability to the horrors around them.

Luke seeks a way out for his petrified parents. Aided by Cleo and Resus, he searches for an animated book that holds the answer. In Sneer Hall, they wade through hellhounds only to learn that they must locate six relics that form the key to leaving Scream Street. The first is the fang of the vampire, which they find in goblin-filled sewers before the villains capture them. Will they escape and save the day? You'll have to read Fang of the Vampire yourself to find out!

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