Dog Biscuit
Helen Cooper
Doubleday, 2008 (2008)
Reviewed by Hilary Williamson
elen Cooper's tale begins, '
Hungry Bridget stole a biscuit, found the biscuits in the shed.
' It's a dog biscuit and she likes the taste. When Mrs. Blair catches her in the act, she warns, '
you'll go bow-wow and turn into a dog
', and Bridget starts to worry.
he story evolves to reveal the power of young Bridget's imagination as she wends her way into her poochy part, while the illustrations (including funny cartoon sequences) compare reality with that crazily canine imagined world. Bridget wishes '
... that she hadn't eaten that biscuit
', even as she falls asleep and enters a daredevil doggy dreamworld.
hen dream turns into nightmare, mum comforts Bridget and finally, in the deep of the night, hears about her daughter's doggy adventures and anxieties.
Dog Biscuit
is a well orchestrated tale of how an adult's careless words can ignite a child's imagination, with mixed results. It ends aptly with a child-oriented recipe for
Human Being Biscuits!
Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.
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