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Old Dog    by Jeanne Willis & Tony Ross order for
Old Dog
by Jeanne Willis
Order:  USA  Can
Andersen, 2008 (2008)
* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Jeanne Willis' Old Dog is a sweet story with a great message about what we can all learn from those who have lived longer than we have. But it doesn't take itself too seriously, and Tony Ross's cute illustrations underline the humor.

It begins with Young Pups whining, 'We don't want to visit Grandpa!' They don't want to listen to his boring stories of the olden days, or watch him scratching himself and slurping. They make fun of him, but their mother insists they go and Grandpa is 'thrilled to see them.'

So they play among themselves, games he doesn't know and say, 'you can't teach an old dog new tricks.' Snapping that he 'wasn't always an old dog', Grandpa prepares to show them - and he puts on quite a show! They ask all kinds of questions and want more, more, more, as he proves, in a spectacular manner that 'There's life in the old dog yet!'

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