Desert Animals: Who Lives Here?
Deborah Hodge & Pat Stephens
Kids Can, 2008 (2008)
Reviewed by Michelle York
hat can be found in the driest places on earth? Besides a sunburn, that is! Well, fox, owls, and camels, to name a few creatures.
n the book,
Who Lives Here?: Desert Animals
, children's author Deborah Hodge shows young readers all that slithers across the sandy dunes and crawls over the dry, cold mountain passes of desert regions. Readers learn about how a camel can go for days without water, but then drink enough to fill a bathtub. The Gila monster, a large lizard, wears a brightly colored scale to warn others to stay away. Hodge tells about the plants and flowers found in the desert too.
he book is recommended for readers aged 4 to 7. It's part of a series, whose other titles examine the inhabitants of wetlands, rain forests and polar regions. Hodge's writing is clear and concise. Pat Stephens provides realistic and lively illustrations of the wildlife. Most of us will never see a desert, but through this book, readers can explore them in their imagination.
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