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Oodles of Animals    by Lois Ehlert order for
Oodles of Animals
by Lois Ehlert
Order:  USA  Can
Harcourt, 2008 (2008)
* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Daninhirsch

I love this book for many of the reasons that my children enjoy it: it's vibrant, has pictures of animals, and each picture is accompanied by miniature poems about the animal. I also love this book for another reason: because of the creativity it inspires in my two young daughters.

Ehlert designed each animal using various colors of construction paper; sawtoothed scissors; a hole punch; and employing just nine different types of basic shapes easily recognizable by young children. This has resulted in a trip to our local Target for colored paper and special scissors so my children can make their own version of Ehlert's animals.

A sample poem (pertaining to the multicolored rabbit):

'It's a rabbit habit
to choose
fresh veggies
when she chews.

And another, about the boxy elephant with the spiky blue trunk:

'If an elephant
wants to dance,
say no.
You'd have a flat foot
if she stepped
on your toe.

Oodles of Animals makes a great choice for schools, day cares and home libraries. It's highly readable, enjoyable to look at, and the animal designs are easy to replicate with the right supplies and a good imagination.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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