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Imagine Harry    by Kate Klise & M. Sarah Klise order for
Imagine Harry
by Kate Klise
Order:  USA  Can
Harcourt, 2007 (2007)
* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Daninhirsch

This sweet picture book for preschool-aged children features a bunny rabbit who has an imaginary best friend, Harry. Harry lives with Little Rabbit and the two are inseparable. Harry eats with the family (extra snacks are required, of course), sleeps on the floor next to Little Rabbit's bed and avoids baths and brussel sprouts, just like Little Rabbit does.

Harry even accompanies Little Rabbit to his first year of school. Gradually, Harry starts to step back a little bit while Little Rabbit makes real friends. As the school year progresses, Little Rabbit comes to realizes that he hasn't seen Harry around for quite a while.

The book gently reassures both children and their parents that it is fine to have imaginary friends, but not to overlook the real friends who will come into your life through school or play. The text is well-written, easy to read aloud, and the soft-hued illustrations are charming. And if the subject interests you, another excellent children's book about an imaginary friend is Jessica by Kevin Henkes.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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