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The Littlest Christmas Kitten    by Leona Novy Jackson & Kelly Dupre order for
Littlest Christmas Kitten
by Leona Novy Jackson
Order:  USA  Can
Snaptail Press, 2006 (2006)
* *   Reviewed by Pat Elliott

In a stable long ago, a mother cat lived with her three kittens. Two little kittens are safely tucked into their bed but the littlest kitten is lost. Mother Cat searches and searches for her lost kitten. She looks everywhere among the animals in the stable. She cannot find her kitten.

Two strangers enter the stable. They are looking for a warm place to stay. Mother Cat is frightened. She jumps into the manger ... and there is the Littlest Kitten. Mother Cat moves quickly to tuck her lost kitten in with the others.

The story of The Littlest Christmas Kitten quickly segues into the Christmas story of two strangers and a baby in the manger in long ago Bethlehem.

This is a simple picture book that allows children to learn the Christmas Story via the adventures of a familiar animal that could have been there that night. Kelly Dupre illustrates the book with clear images that will appeal to children.

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