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The Grief of Stones: The Chronicles of Osreth #2    by Katherine Addison order for
Grief of Stones
by Katherine Addison
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Tor, 2023 (2022)
Hardcover, Paperback, e-Book
* *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

The Grief of Stones follows The Witness for the Dead as the second in Katherine Addison's fantasy series featuring Prelate of Ulis Othara Celehar. As a Witness for the Dead, he can experience the last moments of any recently deceased.

As the episode opens, he is settled in the city of Amalo, where he has made both friends and enemies. He's called to see the Marquess Ulzhavel, who asks him to witness for his wife who died three months before. The Marquess believes she was murdered. Since it was not recent, Celehar must conduct an investigation, starting with a threatening note.

The Marquise was a kind woman, serving on the boards of several schools for orphans and foundlings, and planning a university for girls. She had disagreements with the head of the Cemchelarna School for Foundling Girls, so Celehar starts there. What follows is a fantasy procedural, and all is not as it seems at Cemchelarna.

While this transpires, Celehar takes on an apprentice and continues to witness for the recently dead. He soon discovers who poisoned the marquise, but then has to track down the person pulling the strings. There are more deaths - and a terrifying confrontation in a tomb beneath the Hill of Werewolves that leaves Celehar wounded and his future uncertain.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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