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Soon    by Timothy Knapman & Patrick Benson order for
by Timothy Knapman
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Candlewick, 2015 (2015)
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Raju, a little elephant, and his mother are on a special outing. As they explore the area around their home the pair encounters a big snake, a dangerous crocodile and a tiger hiding in the tall grass.

Raju's mother keeps her little one safe and he keeps asking when they will return to their safe, snug home. Her reply is always the same. 'Soon!' the mother elephant says.

Of course, once they are safely back home, what does Raju ask? 'When can we do it all again?' And, of course, his mother replies, 'Soon!'

Nicely illustrated, this picture book captures the beauty of the close relationship between this mother and her trusting offspring. Beginning readers will find this an easy story to quickly master too.

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