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A Guide to Being a Big Sister: Olivia    by Natalie Shaw & Patrick Spaziante order for
Guide to Being a Big Sister
by Natalie Shaw
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Simon & Schuster, 2014 (2014)
Softcover, e-Book
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Olivia takes the responsibilities that go with being a big sister very seriously. In this little book she offers some tips on how to be a good big sister (or big brother).

In the morning Olivia helps get her siblings dressed and she helps with breakfast. At playtime she plays with her brother and sister, even though she doesn't always feel like doing so. When her mother goes shopping, Olivia pushes the cart with her little brother in it, so her mom can focus on the grocery list.

'At dinner I put on my chef's hat and cook with Mom and Dad,' says Olivia. 'I toss the salad and set the table ... Scooping ice cream is one of my talents.'

Of course, at bedtime big sisters tell bedtime stories and Olivia is very good at this task.

This book also comes with 25 stickers, so be careful that little readers don't put them where they do not belong, like in their mouths or on the furniture. Fortunately they can be easily removed from the book and saved for a special occasion or until the child is older.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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