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War Dogs: Churchill & Rufus    by Kathryn Selbert order for
War Dogs
by Kathryn Selbert
Order:  USA  Can
Charlesbridge, 2013 (2013)
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Winston Churchill's dog, a poodle named Rufus, has been featured in other books, but this latest Rufus adventure focuses on the war years and combines the prime minister's four legged companion with a series of quotes taken from Churchill's speeches.

Young readers seven years of age and older will follow Rufus and his master from the early days of World War II as the dog explores the underground bunker that was Churchill's command center, through the dark time of the German air raids on London, to the Normandy landings and victory.

Not only Churchill's constant companion, Rufus is also pictured with Clementine, the prime minister's wife, and the picture book concludes with the great statesman's retirement at Chequers, his estate in the country.

You'll also find a time line of World War II, a short, one page biography of Churchill and another page about his pets. Rufus was one of two poodles Churchill owned. Rufus II was obtained in 1947 after Rufus I sadly died in an auto accident.

Also, at the back of the volume are the sources of all of the quotes used in the narrative, websites for more information on Winston Churchill and World War II, and a listing of other, more detailed, books for young fans of the prime minister.

All in all, this is an interesting way of utilizing a dog to pique a child's interest in not only British history and World War II but also a famous statesman. Once the youngster has read War Dogs he or she may wish to delve further into these subjects.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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