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Dinosaur Pet    by Marc Sedaka, Neil Sedaka & Tim Bowers order for
Dinosaur Pet
by Marc Sedaka
Order:  USA  Can
Charlesbridge, 2012 (2012)
Hardcover, Softcover
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Neil Sedaka and his son Marc collaborated on this picture book that features not only a colorfully illustrated story but also a CD with songs by the Grammy Award winning performer.

The story begins in January when a little boy is shown with a large dinosaur egg in his bedroom. By February the creature has hatched and it is beginning to grow. Naturally, as the months go by, the dinosaur gets bigger, and bigger and bigger. By June the boy's pet has pretty much outgrown the house and his parents are having a hard time paying the family's enormous food bill since the big, green critter loves to eat and eat, and eat.

Where does this all end? You'll have to read the book to find out! Besides enjoying this cute story, there is the CD to listen to, and the songs are definitely a very nice bonus.

Young children love dinosaurs and this not so little pet will make read aloud sessions a lot of fun as you watch him take over a household.

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