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King Arthur's Very Great Grandson    by Kenneth Kraegel order for
King Arthur's Very Great Grandson
by Kenneth Kraegel
Order:  USA  Can
Candlewick, 2012 (2012)
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

'On the day Henry turned six years old, he woke up early, ate a large breakfast, mounted his trusty donkey, Knuckles, and went out in search of adventure.'

Thus begins this adventure about one of King Arthur's much removed ancestors. Young Henry is determined to throw down his gauntlet whenever he meets a suitable adversary.

First up is a terrible dragon that, rather than fight, blows harmless smoke rings at the little knight errant. Next, there's a dreaded Cyclops whose idea of a battle is to engage in a staring contest. Then, Henry is sent off to match wits with a grim griffin. Unfortunately, his opponent prefers chess to sword-play.

Finally, Arthur's 'very great' grandson tests his boyhood against a fearsome sea monster. What happens when Henry meets the loathsome Leviathan? Something quite remarkable! I won't ruin the surprise by indicating how this encounter ends but it should bring a smile to your face.

Children five and older will find this inventive tale drawn from myth and legend quite riveting. The unintended consequences of Henry's quest illustrate quite graphically that sometimes we don't really know what we are looking for. One may set out seeking a specific goal but discover there may be a better, more satisfying outcome than the one desired.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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