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Baby Animals At the Zoo: Know/Wonder    by Kingfisher order for
Baby Animals At the Zoo
by Kingfisher
Order:  USA  Can
Kingfisher, 2012 (2012)
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Full page color photos and a simple text introduce a number of baby animals that you might find at the zoo. On these pages toddlers will meet a Red Panda, Golden Lion Tamarin, opossum, aardvark, two cougar kittens, a porcupine and a darling chimpanzee.

'Hiding in my soft hair are lots of sharp quills. Don't come too close!' warns the accompanying passage for the porcupine.

On the other hand, the aardvark tells us that he has a 'big snout for snuffling after ants and termites'! Hmmm, yummy!

Young children love baby animals, which means this book should be a hit with any preschooler. You can have fun with the sound effects too! Growl with the cougars, sniff sniff with the aardvark and munch munch with the tamarin.

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