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Don't Slam the Door!    by Dori Chaconas & Will Hillenbrand order for
Don't Slam the Door!
by Dori Chaconas
Order:  USA  Can
Candlewick, 2010 (2010)
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

When my dog ran out of the house I shouted, 'Please don't slam the door! Don't slam that old screen door! A slamming door will wake the cat, and heaven knows, we don't want that, so please don't slam that door!'

Well, I bet you can guess what that darn dog did. Yup, he slammed the door! Of course, that woke up the cat. And what did that naughty cat do? He played with my mom's knitting stuff and rolled the yarn balls all over the room.

I yelled, 'Don't knot Ma's knitting yarn!' But do you think that nasty old cat listened? Of course not! And then my mom used that yarn with knots to make my pa some socks. I warned her not to knit with knots but, of course, she went right ahead and did so.

Now my story gets real complicated. My dad wore the socks but they made him hop around. Unfortunately, he hopped right into a beehive. The bees went after a bear that ran into our barn. Naturally, the bear scared the cows and they made a dash for the house.

Somehow the cows ended up on the feather bed all tangled in yarn and then there were feathers flying everywhere. What a mess! Then the bear came into the bedroom, followed by the bees.

By this time I HAD HAD IT, so I told all the critters to scoot. And, on their way out I warned them, 'DON'T SLAM THAT DOOR!' Guess what? This time everyone listened!

If you are three years of age or older, this funny picture book will show you what can happen if a situation gets totally out of hand. Slamming that screen door sets off a chain of events that is pretty weird. If you like silly stories, this is one that will certainly have you laughing. But don't forget, whatever you do, do not slam the door after you’ve finished reading my story!

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