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Blood of the Witch: Scream Street    by Tommy Donbavand order for
Blood of the Witch
by Tommy Donbavand
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Candlewick, 2009 (2009)
* *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Blood of the Witch is the second, following Fang of the Vampire, in Tommy Donbavand's spooky Scream Street series (aimed at ages 8-10 and including free collectors' cards).

After Luke Watson was turned into a werewolf in the first book, G.H.O.U.L. Movers transferred Luke and his normal parents to No. 13 Scream Street. There Luke befriended wannabe vampire Resus Negative and reckless young mummy Cleo. Together, they sought a way out for Luke's terrified parents, and learned that six relics form the key to leaving Scream Street. They found the first, the fang of the vampire.

Now they seek the second relic, the blood of the witch, aided by a new riddle supplied by talking book Skipstone. Along the way, Luke and Resus squabble and Cleo has problems with anger management. They discover that the nefarious Otto Sneer has cut off the vampires' blood supply; are chased by a vampire cat that used to belong to a witch; locate her hidden blood; and defeat the villain once more.

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