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Wetland Animals: Who Lives Here?    by Deborah Hodge & Pat Stephens order for
Wetland Animals
by Deborah Hodge
Order:  USA  Can
Kids Can, 2008 (2008)
Hardcover, Softcover
* *   Reviewed by Michelle York

How do you get a young child to appreciate a whole ecosystem? It seems like a bit of a quagmire, until you pick up the book, Who Lives Here?: Wetland Animals.

The book, recommended for ages 4-7, is a collection of fascinating facts about animals that are built to live in swampy waters. (Why does a beaver have orange teeth? It's the iron coating, which also makes those teeth exceptionally strong!)

Wetlands is part of a series by Kids Can Press and children's author Deborah Hodge, who has also examined rain forests, polar regions, and deserts in her series. Her writing is both straightforward and engaging as she introduces readers to everything from Bengal tigers to bullfrogs. (Have you heard that a capybara will bark like a dog? They do, but only if they're in trouble!) Pat Stephens provides realistic and lively illustrations of the wildlife.

Not only are children sure to be entertained and informed by the series, they will hopefully develop a greater appreciation of the world they are destined to inherit.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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