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* Greg Andrew Smith The Pledge of Three: The Z.O. Chronicles - Book One US Orders
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Review Lucky Press, 2005 (2005) Paperback
Zack finds an old document describing a pledge - if made by 3 friends, one of the trio will achieve fame, one will stay the same, and one will die. (RM)

* * * Greg Leitich Smith Tofu and T. rex US Orders
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Review Little, Brown & Co., 2005 (2005) Hardcover
Vegan (hence tofu) Frederika is sent to live with her Opa and her cousin Hans-Peter, whose passion is dinosaurs (hence T. rex). (HW)

* * * Greg Leitich Smith Ninjas, Piranhas, and Galileo US Orders
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Review Little, Brown & Co., 2003 (2003) Hardcover
The hilarious tale of 3 genius overachievers at a Chicago private school, told from the alternating points of view of close friends Elias, Shohei and Honoria. (HW)

* * Jennifer E. Smith The Storm Makers US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Little, Brown & Co., 2012 (2012) Hardcover, e-Book
A cute mix of magic, science, and weather. (RM)