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* * * Sonya Sones What My Girlfriend Doesn't Know US Orders
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Review Simon & Schuster, 2007 (2007) Hardcover
Deals, in simple but lyrical verse, with the ups and downs, meetings of minds and misunderstandings, certainties and doubts, of first love, compounded by high school bullying and social cruelty. (HW)

* * * Kenji Sonishi Hey! Order Up!: Neko Ramen US Orders
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Review TOKYOPOP, 2010 (2010) Paperback
The hilarious 4-panel manga about the cat owner of a ramen shop and his best customer. (RM)

* * Christina Soontornvat The Last Mapmaker US Orders
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Review Candlewick, 2022 (2022) Hardcover, e-Book
A YA fantasy set in a Thai-inspired world, and with an environmental theme. (HW)

* * * Carlie Sorosiak I, Cosmo US Orders
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Review Walker, 2019 (2019) Hardcover, e-Book
An aging golden retriever tells readers all about life with the family to whom he is devoted, from his own perspective. (HW)