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Kadohata -> Kagesaki -> Katagiri -> Katsumoto -> Kawashima -> Kaye -> Kazumi -> Keene -> Kenyon -> Kern -> Kesel -> Kim -> King -> King -> Kiritani -> Kittle -> Kizer -> Klein -> Knobbe -> Kogon -> Koontz -> Kramer -> Krishnaswami -> Kropp -> Kujiradou -> Kusanagi

* * Misaho Kujiradou, Courtney Love & D. J. Milky Princess Ai: Ultimate Edition US Orders
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Review TOKYOPOP, 2007 (2007) Softcover
This omnibus of all 3 manga volumes is a must for Princess Ai fans or other manga fantasy fans who are new to the series. (RM)

* * * W. S. Kuniczak & Pat Bargielski The Glass Mountain: Twenty-Eight Ancient Polish Folktales and Fables US Orders
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Review Hippocrene, 1997 (1992)
A splendid anthology of 28 ancient Polish fables. (JL)

* * Richard Kurti Monkey Wars US Orders
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Review Delacorte, 2015 (2015) Hardcover, e-Book
A fresh spin on the classic, Animal Farm(RM)