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Dalton -> Datlow -> Day -> DeNiro -> Dewes -> Dickinson -> Doctorow -> Douglas -> Douglas

* * * Peter Dickinson Emma Tupper's Diary US Orders
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Review Yearling, 1988 (1971) Hardcover, Paperback
In the Scottish Highlands,14-year-old Emma is embroiled in hair raising adventures and must take action on important and debatable issues dealing with man's impact on the world he lives in.  (WW)

* * Gordon R. Dickson The Right to Arm Bears US Orders
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Review Baen, 2000 Paperback
3 tales set on Dilbia, inhabited by intelligent but technologically primitive bear-like sentients. The Shorties (from Earth) are in competition for Dilbia's allegiance with the Hemnoids, a civilization from a heavy-gravity planet. (TI)

* * Gordon R. Dickson The Chantry Guild US Orders
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Review Tor, 2000 (1988) Hardcover, Paperback
Hal Mayne races against time to find a way into the Creative Universe, while Bleys besieges Earth and Amanda Morgan works with the resistance on Kultis. (HW)

* * William C. Dietz Death Day US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Ace, 2002 (2001) Hardcover, Paperback
In a cross between Independence Day and War of the Worlds, Earth is invaded by a hierarchically layered Sauron invasion force, and human survivors enslaved. (HW)