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Tanaka -> Terry -> Thomas -> Townley

* * Suzuki Tanaka Love Hurts: Aishiatteru Futari US Orders
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Review TOKYOPOP, 2010 (2010) Paperback
A unique collection of mainly shonen-ai manga stories. (RM)

* * * Ann Tatlock Things We Once Held Dear US Orders
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Review Bethany, 2006 (2006) Paperback
Neil Sadler, who left his small hometown of Mason, Ohio 27 years ago in the midst of a tragedy that touched every part of his life, finally returns. (MP)

* * Charlene Teglia Wild Wild West US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Griffin, 2007 (2007) Paperback
An entertaining interconnected anthology that will steam up your reading glasses. (MB)

* * * Leslie Tentler Midnight Caller US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Mira, 2011 (2011) Paperback
Takes a familiar romantic suspense premise and locale and lifts both well beyond the norm with emotionally charged characterizations, a flair for establishing setting and a chilling, serpentine storyline. (MB)