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* * Brian Tracy & Christina Stein Find Your Balance Point: Clarify Your Priorities, Simplify Your Life, and Achieve More US Orders
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Review Berrett-Koehler, 2015 (2015) Hardcover, e-Book
Offering a series of questions that guide the reader to reflect and focus, along with concrete action steps and exercises, the authors point the way to finding one's balance point and using it to set new priorities. (BW)

* * * Brian Tracy TurboCoach: A Powerful System for Achieving Breakthrough Career Success US Orders
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Review AMACOM, 2005 (2004) Hardcover
A leading consultant on personal and professional development explains how to transform your life and career. (AB)

* * * James Trager The New York Chronology US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt HarperCollins, 2004 (2003) Hardcover, Softcover
'The Ultimate Compendium of Events, People, and Anecdotes from the Dutch to the Present'. (SS)

* * Jennifer Traig Devil in the Details: Scenes from an obsessive girlhood US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Little, Brown & Co., 2004 (2004) Hardcover
An account of teen years spent suffering from scrupulosity and anorexia - both very funny and not funny at all. (HW)