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* Adam Mansbach & Owen Brozman You Have to F*****g Eat US Orders
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Review Akashic, 2014 (2014) Hardcover, CD, e-Book
An adult picture book for harried, deeply frustrated parents of picky eaters. (HW)

* * * Sarfraz Manzoor Greetings From Bury Park US Orders
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Review Vintage, 2008 (2008) Softcover
Sarfraz Manzoor tells the story of his emigration to London from Pakistan and how he and his family adjusted to life in a country which was much different from their homeland. (RW)

* * Steven Marans Listening to Fear: Helping Kids Cope, from Nightmares to the Nightly News US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Owl, 2005 (2005) Paperback
Explains to parents how to help children overcome their fears, and move on to a happier, calmer life. (MP)

* * * Marisa Acocella Marchetto Cancer Vixen: A True Story US Orders
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Review Pantheon, 2009 (2006) Hardcover, Softcover
An honest yet humorous look at the author's battle with breast cancer. (RM)