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* * * Tina Brown The Diana Chronicles US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Anchor, 2008 (2007) Hardcover, Softcover, Paperback, CD, e-Book
An insightful, balanced, and thoroughly researched biography of 'an aristocratic girl who became a princess but refused to let palace walls enclose her'. (HW)

* * Jill Conner Browne The Sweet Potato Queen's Big-Ass Cookbook: (and Financial Planner) US Orders
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Review Three Rivers, 2006 (2006) Paperback, Audio, CD
A cookbook filled with off-the-wall recipes and financial advice, as well as unbelievable stories of the Sweet Potato Queens. (MS)

* * * Rick Browne The Frequent Fryers Cookbook US Orders
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Review Regan, 2003 (2003) Hardcover
'How to Deep-Fry Just About Anything That Walks, Crawls, Flies, or Vegetates', including Deep Fried Milky Way Bars! (MS)

* * * Rick Browne Grilling America US Orders
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Review Regan, 2003 (2003) Hardcover
Grilled and barbecued foods to satisfy every taste, discovered in five years of travel across America's heartland. (MS)