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O’Brien -> O'Brien -> Odell -> Olson -> Orczy

* * * Jonathan Odell The Healing US Orders
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Review Anchor, 2012 (2012) Hardcover, Softcover, CD, e-Book
A female healer upsets planatation life in the pre-Civil War South. (BL)

* * * Jonathan Odell Miss Hazel and the Rosa Parks League US Orders
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Review Maiden Lane, 2015 (2015) Hardcover, Softcover
Two women in the Jim-Crow South find their strength while upending a whole town. (BL)

* * * Robin Oliveira I Always Loved You: A Story of Mary Cassatt and Edgar Degas US Orders
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Review Viking, 2014 (2014) Hardcover, CD, e-Book
A splendid evocation of the life and times of La Belle Époque and the artists Mary Cassatt and Edgar Degas. (BL)

* * * L. J. Oliver The Humbug Murders: An Ebenezer Scrooge Mystery US Orders
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Review Pocket, 2015 (2015) Paperback, e-Book
A young Scrooge, just beginning his career in money lending, investigates the murder of his former mentor, Fezziwig. (JM)