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* * * Simon Montefiore Sashenka US Orders
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Review Simon & Schuster, 2008 (2008) Hardcover
The story of a woman living in revolutionary Russia and how she is able to keep her children safe. (BL)

* * * Mayra Montero Dancing to 'Almendra' US Orders
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Review Picador, 2007 (2007) Hardcover, Softcover
An exotic tale of dangerous passions, murderous mobsters, and singular mysteries set in 1957 Havana, Cuba (translated by Edith Grossman). (TD)

* * * L. M. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables US Orders
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Penguin, 1997 Hardcover, Softcover, Paperback, Audio
This story about the irrepressible redheaded Anne Shirley is beloved around the world. Though the elderly Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert did not get the orphan they expected they eventually grew to love Anne. (HW)

* * * Christopher Moore Fool US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt William Morrow, 2009 (2009) Hardcover, CD, e-Book
The Fool narrates this rollicking, bawdy tale based loosely (very loosely, in fact) on Shakespeare's classic King Lear(BW)

* * * Christopher Moore Sacre Bleu: A Comedy D'Art US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt William Morrow, 2012 (2012) Hardcover, e-Book
A mystery with comedic elements and a generous dollop of ribald romance, the novel's title is a reference to the color of the cloak of the Virgin Mary. Made from crushed lapis lazuli, the famous pigment was reputedly infused with supernatural powers. (BW)