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* * * Danny Gardner A Negro and an Ofay: The Tales of Elliot Caprice US Orders
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Review Down&Out Books, 2017 (2015) Softcover
A hard boiled novel set in 1952 Illinois. (MS)

* * John Gardner No Human Enemy US Orders
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Review Minotaur, 2008 (2007) Hardcover
A fascinating tale of family tensions, German ingenuity, secret military plots, British resilience, and powerful passions. (TD)

* * Laurien Gardner A Lady Raised High: A Novel of Anne Boleyn US Orders
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Review Jove, 2006 (2006) Paperback
An act of heroism lands a simple country girl firmly within the inner circle of Lady Anne Boleyn during her heady courtship and eventual marriage to England's powerful King Henry VIII. (LF)

* * * Antonio Garrido The Corpse Reader US Orders
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Review Amazon, 2013 (2013) Softcover, CD, e-Book
Song Ci, a real historical figure and early forensics innovator, is assigned by the Emperor to investigate a series of awful crimes in Tsong Dynasty China (translated by Thomas Bunstead). (MS)

* * Antonio Garrido The Scribe US Orders
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Review Amazon, 2013 (2013) Softcover, CD, e-Book
A rollicking medieval adventure with early forensic elements, starring young Theresa who longs to be a scribe and has trained hard to do so (translated by Simon Bruni). (HW)