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Eastland -> Edghill -> Edwards -> Elliott -> Elyot -> Emerson -> Endo -> Epstein -> Esquivel -> Estleman -> Evans

* * Selden Edwards The Little Book US Orders
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Review Plume, 2009 (2009) Hardcover, Softcover, CD, e-Book
Wheeler Burden finds himself whisked from San Francisco in 1988 to Vienna, the Austrian city that was the epicenter of European intellectual and political life in 1897. (BW)

* * * Cecilia Ekbäck The Historians US Orders
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Review Harper, 2021 (2021) Softcover, CD, e-Book
This novel unveils a dark and disturbing chapter of Sweden's WW II history, incorporating it into a riveting mystery. (HW)

* * Peter Elbling The Food Taster US Orders
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Review Plume, 2003 Softcover
Ugo is catapulted from life as a poor farmer to the position of food taster for Duke Frederico in sixteenth century Italy. (MS)

* Anna Elliot Sunrise of Avalon: A Novel of Trystan and Isolde US Orders
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Review Touchstone, 2011 (2011) Softcover, e-Book
In this 3rd in the trilogy, Isolde and Trystan's love must once again face a dangerous challenge. (EC)