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Walton -> Walton -> Warrington -> Watt-Evans -> Weber -> Weis -> Welch -> Wells -> West -> West -> What -> Wilkins -> Williams -> Willingham -> Wilson -> Wilson -> Wilson -> Wolfe -> Wood -> Wrede

* * Gene Wolfe The Knight: The Wizard Knight Book 1 US Orders
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Review Tor, 2004 (2004) Hardcover
1st in a series of high fantasy, in which a boy turned knight takes on quests at every turn of events in layered magical worlds. (HW)

* * Gene Wolfe Soldier of Sidon US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Tor, 2007 (2006) Hardcover, Softcover
This 3rd in the series sends its mercenary hero Latro - cursed by a goddess to forget each day's events and his past - on a prolonged, rather dream-like quest on the Nile exploring unknown territories to the south. (HW)

* * Marv Wolfman Superman Returns US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Warner, 2006 (2006) Paperback, Audio, CD
Superman Returns to Earth after a mysterious absence in this new, exciting adventure, involving the Man of Steel in mishaps with Lois Lane, and challenging him to save the world once more from his nemesis Lex Luthor (HW)

* * Gwendolyn Womack The Memory Painter US Orders
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Review Picador, 2015 (2015) Hardcover, Softcover, CD, e-Book
Bryan Pierce's paintings links him to past lives, which have been connected to those of Linz, a brilliant scientist, down through the centuries. (BW)