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Gaffney -> Galchen -> Garcia -> Gautreau -> Gerrold -> Ghosh -> Giffin -> Gillespie -> Ginsberg -> Gokhale -> Goldhagen -> Goodman -> Goodwin -> Goudge -> Graham -> Greeley -> Green -> Green -> Greenfield -> Greig -> Grimsley -> Gross -> Gunn -> Gunnis -> Guterson -> Guzeman

* * Shari Goldhagen Family and Other Accidents US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Doubleday, 2006 (2006) Hardcover
Charts the lives of two very different brothers, in an insightful novel about growing up, and about loyalty and love in all its guises. (HW)

* * Olivia Goldsmith Dumping Billy US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Warner, 2004 (2004) Hardcover
Each woman who dates a Brooklyn bar owner becomes engaged to the next man who enters her life after Billy dumps her. (SB)

* * Meredith Goldstein The Singles US Orders
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Review Plume, 2012 (2012) Softcover, e-Book
Beth 'Bee' Evan's singles form a group of five wedding guests who did not use the plus-one on their R.S.V.P. cards - their lives intertwine in surprisingly interesting ways. (CJ)

* * * Iris Gomez Try to Remember US Orders
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Review Grand Central, 2010 (2010) Softcover
Fifteen year-old Gabriela (an immigrant to the USA from Columbia) lives in fear of deportation. (MS)