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Daily -> Dangor -> Darnielle -> Davis -> Dayton -> De Rosnay -> Deitch -> Desai -> Dew -> Dexter -> Diffenbaugh -> Divakaruni -> Dolan -> Donohue -> Drummond -> Duffy -> Dunn

* * Lisa Daily Fifteen Minutes of Shame US Orders
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Review Plume, 2008 (2008) Softcover
Advice columnist and dating expert Darby Vaughn thinks she has the perfect life – until she finds out that her husband has been lying about his weekly business trips. (RM)

* * * The Dalai Lama An Open Heart: Practicing Compassion in Everyday Life US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Back Bay, 2002 (2001) Hardcover, Paperback, Audio
Edited by Nicholas Vreeland, and based on talks given by the Dalai Lama in New York in 1999, it explains methods used by Buddhist practitioners to cultivate compassion and wisdom in their lives. (HW)

* * John Dalton Heaven Lake US Orders
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Review Scribner, 2005 (2004) Hardcover, Paperback
A big book about missionaries and life in China. (BL)

* * * DéLana R. A. Dameron Redwood Court US Orders
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Review Dial, 2023 (2023) Hardcover, e-Book
Mika tells the story of her family as she herself grows up. (BL)