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Vaccarello -> Van Aken -> Van Ryn -> Venuto -> Vernick -> Victoria & Albert Museum -> Virtue -> Volf -> Volpe

* * Don Van Ryn & et al Mistaken Identity: Two Families, One Survivor, Unwavering Hope US Orders
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Review Howard, 2008 (2008) Hardcover
In April 2006, a van carrying a load of Taylor University students and staff was involved in an accident, after which a student mistakenly identified as Laura Van Ryn was admitted to the hospital in critical condition. (MP)

* * Peter Van Toorn Mountain Tea US Orders
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Review Véhicule Press, 2004 (1984) Paperback
A collection with an impressive range, in both styles of poetry and in themes - of love, death, and nature in all its seasons and expressions. (HW)

* * * Blanche Vaughan Egg: Recipes US Orders
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Review Harper, 2016 (2016) Hardcover, e-Book
A cookbook that uses the egg in all its glory in every one of its 90 recipes. (MS)

* * * Mark Cotta Vaz, Steve Starkey & Robert Zemeckis The Art of the Polar Express US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Chronicle, 2004 (2004) Hardcover
A totally fascinating account of the magical making of a magical movie, The Polar Express(HW)