A sweet story about following your heart, no matter what others' opinions may be. (HD)
Sergio Ruzzier
Too Busy: Bear and Bee
Hyperion, 2014 (2014)
The old cliché 'Busy as a bee' forms the basis for this cute picture book. Bear and Bee are friends, but when Bear wants Bee to play with him one day Bee replies, 'No thanks, Bear. I'm too busy.' (BW)
Joanne Ryder & Margie Moore
Bear of My Heart
Simon & Schuster, 2006 (2006)
A mother bear talks to her cub in language that carries a strong message of unconditional paternal love. (HD)
Joanne Ryder & Melissa Sweet
Won't You Be My Hugaroo?
Harcourt, 2006 (2006)
A perfect bedtime book for the preschool set and their parents. (HD)