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* * Tom Pomplun Adventure Classics: Graphic Classics Volume 12 US Orders
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Review Eureka Productions, 2005 (2005) Softcover
An engaging mix of short stories and poems - including mystery, adventure and horror - by classic authors. (HW)

* * Tom Pomplun Edgar Allan Poe: Graphic Classics Volume 1 US Orders
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Review Eureka Productions, 2006 (2006) Softcover
A revised edition of the 1st volume in a graphic novel classics series, that 'presents the works of great authors in comics adaptations'. (HW)

* * Tom Pomplun Rafael Sabatini: Graphic Classics Vol. 13 US Orders
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Review Eureka Productions, 2006 (2006) Softcover
This graphic art volume includes adaptations of many short stories by Rafael Sabatini, as well as of his famous novel Captain Blood(HW)

* * Daniel Pool What Jane Austen Ate, and Charles Dickens Knew US Orders
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Review Simon & Schuster, 1994 (1993) Hardcover, Softcover
From Fox Hunting to Whits-The Facts of Daily Life in Nineteenth-Century England, this answers many of the questions that come to 21st century minds while reading Victorian novels.  (AH)