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* * Flavia Z. Drago Gustavo, the Shy Ghost US Orders
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Review Candlewick, 2020 (2020) Hardcover, CD, e-Book
How can a super shy ghost make friends with other monsters? Read on ... (HW)

* * * Crescent Dragonwagon & David McPhail All the Awake Animals Are Almost Asleep US Orders
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Review Little, Brown & Co., 2012 (2012) Hardcover
Crescent Dragonwagon introduces animals and their sleeping habits alphabetically. (LS)

* * * Ernest Drake Drake's Comprehensive Compendium of Dragonology US Orders
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Review Candlewick, 2009 (2009) Hardcover
Young readers eight years of age and older will find hours of pleasure in this lavishly illustrated encyclopedia of dragonology. (BW)

* * * Ernest Drake The Monsterology Handbook: A Practical Course in Monsters US Orders
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Review Candlewick, 2009 (2009) Hardcover
A well illustrated, no-nonsense guide to the shadowy world of monsters and beasts. (BW)