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* * Peter Bently & Sara Ogilvie Meet the Parents US Orders
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Review Simon & Schuster, 2014 (2014) Hardcover, e-Book
Here's a picture book that offers a humorous but accurate look at the kinds of things parents do for their children that often get overlooked. (BW)

* * * Jim Benton The Invisible Fran: Franny K. Stein - Mad Scientist US Orders
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Review Aladdin, 2005 (2004) Hardcover, Paperback
Though Fran gets frustrated by her friends' unscientific hobbies, they come in handy when her two-headed robot runs amok. (HW)

* * * Mike Benton The Kingfisher Dinosaur Encyclopedia US Orders
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Review Kingfisher, 2012 (2010) Hardcover, Softcover
Recently released in paperback, this comprehensive and easy to use book is filled with more than 400 maps, illustrations and photos as well as a wide range of material on the latest dinosaur discoveries. (BW)

* * Stan Berenstain, Jan Berenstain & Mike Berenstain The Berenstain Bears Save Christmas US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt HarperCollins, 2003 (2003) Hardcover
A well told reminder of what the holiday should be about. (HW)

* * * Stan Berenstain & Jan Berenstain Old Hat New Hat: A Bright & Early Book US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Random House, 1970 (1970) Hardcover
A small bear in seach of a new hat(HW)