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* * * Elizabeth Rose Stanton Henny US Orders
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Review Simon & Schuster, 2014 (2014) Hardcover, e-Book
Henny, a little chick, hatched with two arms rather than wings. Her mom was surprised to say the least, but she stilled loved Henny. (BW)

* * * Ruth Starke Noodle Pie US Orders
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Review Kane Miller, 2010 (2010) Hardcover
Andy Nguyen and his father take a trip from their Australian home to visit his dad's family in Vietnam. (BW)

* Ringo Starr & Ben Cort Octopus's Garden US Orders
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Review Aladdin, 2014 (2014) Hardcover, e-Book
A little boy imagines visiting the sea floor where he hopes to find an octopus. (BW)

* * Ted Staunton & Mika Song Harry and Clare's Amazing Staycation US Orders
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Review Tundra, 2017 (2017) Hardcover
Share this cute story with kids home from school and wondering how to entertain themselves - and keep the electronics hidden! (HW)

* * Ted Staunton & Brenda Clark Puddleman US Orders
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Review Kids Can, 1988 (1988) Hardcover
Michael fills his sandbox with water until it's all 'mud and no Michael', and out shoots that muddy monster, PUDDLEMAN! (HW)