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* * * William Dietrich The Barbary Pirates: An Ethan Gage Adventure US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Harper, 2010 (2010) Hardcover, e-Book
Ethan Gage's 4th riotous outing takes him and a trio of savants - hounded all the way by his old nemesis, the Egyptian Rite - from Paris to Thira, Tripoli and Syracuse in search of a powerful ancient weapon. (HW)

* * William Dietrich The Barbed Crown: An Ethan Gage Adventure US Orders
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Review Harper, 2013 (2013) Hardcover, e-Book
This 6th in the series pulls Ethan Gage, his wife Astiza and son Harry back into Napoleon's magnetic orbit in France. (HW)

* * * William Dietrich Blood of the Reich US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Harper, 2011 (2011) Hardcover, e-Book
Alternates a modern day story with one set on the eve of World War II, involving Nazis and neo-Nazis seeking a dark Shambhalan power to change the course of history - and the good guys who race to defeat them. (HW)

* * William Dietrich The Dakota Cipher: An Ethan Gage Adventure US Orders
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ReviewExcerpt Harper, 2009 (2009) Hardcover, e-Book
After previous exploits in Napoleonic France, Egypt and Jerusalem, Ethan returns to North America on the trail of Thor's Hammer and in the company of one-eyed Norwegian Magnus Bloodhammer. (HW)

* * William Dietrich The Emerald Storm: An Ethan Gage Adventure US Orders
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Review Harper, 2013 (2012) Hardcover, Softcover, CD, e-Book
This 5th in the series is set in 1803 and unfolds on the islands of the Caribbean where Gage, his wife, Astiza, and their 3-year-old son Harry have hopes of living a quiet life. (BW)