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* * Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre US Orders
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e-Book Oxford University, 2000 (1847) Hardcover, Softcover, Paperback, Audio, e-Book
Plain Jane Eyre becomes governess in the household of the brooding Mr. Rochester. Her virtue and strength ultimately win over trials and hardship. (HW)

* * * Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights US Orders
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e-Book Oxford University, 1999 (1847) Hardcover, Softcover, Paperback, Audio, e-Book
The author's only novel - her dark and tragic tale of Catherine and Heathcliffe 's passion and obsession with the bleak Yorkshire Moors in the background. (HW)

* * * John Buchan The Thirty Nine Steps US Orders
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e-Book Project Gutenberg, 1996 Hardcover, Paperback, Audio, e-Book
Several movies have been made from this classic World War I spy story. Richard Hannay has just returned from Bulawayo, to stumble into adventure. Starts with a dead body and culminates in a chase through Scotland. (HW)