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Laura Griffin Unforgivable: A Tracers Novel
Laura Griffin Unspeakable
Pamela Griffin & et al Brides O' The Emerald Isle
Marilynn Griffith Pink
Linda Grimes The Big Fix
Linda Grimes In a Fix
Linda Grimes Quick Fix
Laura Lee Guhrke And Then He Kissed Her
Laura Lee Guhrke Guilty Pleasures
Laura Lee Guhrke His Every Kiss
Laura Lee Guhrke The Marriage Bed
Laura Lee Guhrke With Seduction in Mind
Sophie Gunn How Sweet It Is
Paula Guran Best New Paranormal Romance
Rene Gutteridge Scoop
Deborah Hale The Destined Queen
Cameron Haley Mob Rules: Book one of The Underworld Cycle
Cameron Haley Skeleton Crew: Underworld Cycle
Jessica Hall Heat of the Moment
Jessica Hall Into the Fire