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Backlash Blues: Gabriel Pręst #2    by Amulya Malladi order for
Backlash Blues
by Amulya Malladi
Order:  USA  Can
, 2025 (2025)
Softcover, e-Book
* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Backlash Blues follows A Death in Denmark as the second in Gabriel Praest's intricate mystery series starring ex-Copenhagen cop Gabriel Pręst. Now he's a PI, dresses in style, is a jazz musician, and has a beloved twenty-year-old daughter, Sophie. He, his ex, Leila, and her new husband Erik (a lawyer) are on very good terms.

This episode opens in 2018 on a meeting between a Russian banker working against serious money laundering, and investigative journalist Raisa Chaban. He mentions amounts of '10 to 15 billion euros', possibly more, and is murdered a week later. Then Raisa disappears.

Five years later, a good friend introduces Gabriel to Flora Brandt. She asks him to investigate the apparent suicide of Noor Mallik, who worked at Copenhagen Bank for Silas Haagen, Head of its Eastern European Business Banking. Noor's chef cousin Afsana doesn't believe she killed herself.

When Gabriel searches Noor's room, it has been picked clean and he realizes he's up against a professional, able to make murder look like a suicide. Someone tries to run him over, and a hitman known as The Ghost gets in on the action. As matters escalate, Gabriel deeply regrets that he's in the middle of his once a year 'dry month'.

Noor made calls to the US weeks before she died, so the trail takes Gabriel to New York and back home again. There, he meets with The Ghost, and they make a deal. Don't miss Backlash Blues, another excellent, absorbing read in a great series!

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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