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Trouble in Queenstown: Vandy Myrick #1    by Delia Pitts order for
Trouble in Queenstown
by Delia Pitts
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Minotaur, 2024 (2024)
Hardcover, e-Book
* *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Delia Pitts introduces tough, randy black PI/ex-cop Evander 'Vandy' Myrick in Trouble in Queenstown, New Jersey, a town with quite the KKK history. Vandy mostly takes divorce cases and this mystery opens on a new one.

Her client is the mayor's nephew, Leo Hannah. First he claims to be seeking protection for his wife Ivy from a stalker. Then he admits he wants evidence for a divorce. Some time after starting her surveillance, Vandy is called to Leo's home, where he claims to have shot the stalker, Hector Ramirez, who killed his wife with a hammer. Is that what really happened?

The mayor pushes for quick closure of the case, and gets it. At Ivy's funeral, her father hires Vandy to prove that Leo killed his daughter. Soon Vandy learns that Ivy visited her father regularly in his memory center and Mayor Hannah still does. She wonders why.

She's brutally attacked and warned to stop snooping. But she persists and closes the case, even after it comes much too close to home for comfort.

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